Equity advocate, arts volunteer, makeup geek, nonprofit administrator, strategic fundraiser, earring collector, opera singer, and proud transgender woman.

Community-driven, nonprofit focused

Driven by connection, I thrive in community-focused environments. I specialise in nonprofit strategy including

Why the Charitable Sector?

For me, it is about making a tangible difference. Charities work in many ways: from delivering essential services like health, housing, food, education, and family supports; to enhancing our quality of life in many ways, like arts, culture, religion, community centres, professional associations; and much, much more.

While the designation of 'charity' somewhat makes the above activities seem optional, that is very much not the case. We all rely on or receive services from nonprofits! Our culture has been built around their necessity. 

Being involved in an organisation and tangible making a difference is important to me. My words having meaning and my actions having an effect gives me a sense of gratitude. The charitable sector gives me a beautiful way to give back and to be an activist in my community.

Do you ever feel lost, or like you just don't know the in's and out's?

Doing it all is difficult - especially if you're a volunteer or have limited staff at a small shop! Having someone nonprofit oriented, knowledgeable and experienced in the below is crucial to success!

It can be difficult to do it all. So...    Let's do this, together! 

What are you waiting for? 

I'd love to work with you!